Tuesday 6 June 2017

Short Biography Nelson Mandela

However on 10 May 1994 Nelson Mandela was inaugurated as the first democratically elected State President of South Africa on and was President until June 1999.

 In 1993 Nelson Mandela was awarded the Nobel Peace Prizejointly with F.W. De Klerk.

Fred Hollows

Fred Hollows

1929        Fred Hollows was born in New Zealand 

1990       the title of Australian of the Year was awarded to Fred Hollows

1992       Since the Foundation was established 

1993        Fred died 

 2005       There were more than 60 of these health services throughout Australia.

Kath Walker (Oodgeroo Noonuccal)

3 November 1920   Her birthday  

1941                       Joining the Australian Women's Army Service 

1960                       Kath attended the Federal Council for Aboriginal Advancement (FCAA)                                     annual conferences from. 

1962.                      becoming the first Queensland state secretary.

1964                       her first collection of poems We are Going was published by Jacaranda                                     Press

1970                       Kath supported the Pittock amendments to the FCAATSI constitution                                      which would have increased Indigenous power on the Federal Council

1970                      Kath Walker, My People, Jacaranda, Brisbane,  

16 September 1993    She died   
1994                      Kathie Cochrane, Oodgeroo, University of Queensland Press, Brisbane, 

1964                      Kath Walker, We are Going, Jacaranda, Brisbane, 

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Kyoto Protocol

I believe if every country control there factories and protect there green area we will have a good

environment. Specially it is the big countries like USA, China, Russia and ... responsibility to reduce

there pollution. Because they have more factory and also they are able to control it. Every county

must actualize the Kyoto protocol.

Green World

I think recycling is a good way to protect our environment, but it is not the only way, we can use

different option at the same time to make our world safe and healthy.

For example; If every one plant a tree every year we can have a green and clean world, also bay using

electrical and  gaseous vehicle we reduce the air pollution. Another way to reduce the air pollution

and make a safe and green world is to force the government to control the big companies to use the

electrical and and gaseous on there company.

The graph between European and Southeast Asia migrant decreased slightly in 1992 and 2002.

In 1992 the graph decreased sharply between Southeast Asia and Northeast Asia migrant ,but it declined gradually in 2002.

In 19992 there is a rose dramatically between Northeast Asia and India migrant but it decreased slightly in 2002.

The graph remained steady between India and Oceania  migrant in 1992 but it increased sharply in 2002.

The graph shows slightly decrease between Oceania and Middle east migrant in 1992 but it shows sharply decrease in 2002.

The graph decreased slightly between Middle east and North America migrant in 19992 but it fluctuated in 2002.

Tuesday 28 February 2017

Solar Taxi

I think solar taxis could be an alternative for motor vehicles that we are using now but still we need to do lots of work to keep clean our environment. Specially it is the every governments responsibility to control the big factories.